So woke up late as usual., bt the people are slowly arrived at particular land mark (back gate) which we decided at the previous night n totally 22 guys r arrived me,arjun,ateeq,amey,siddu,vinay,mahesh, darshi,ajay,shamanth,rahul,vinod, ankith,shivu,sourav,palli,shishir,ashwini, mithil, vikhas,abhishek,chetan.
It was an sudden trip for us because every one frustrated about the project, so we are decided to go for a trip some where for relax. Then suddenly some guys are starts suggesting the place like shimsha and thalkadu for 1day trip. we know, it's not a gud season to go there bt we decided for some wer outing, so finelly plan have been fixed.
we reach talkadu, it is a pure water river taking bath n played some games in river. then came back n had some snacks. shimsha is near from talkadu so we didnt take much time to reach shimsha. aftr reaching we came to know that some construction had been going in falls.
Hence there is no way go to at the bottom of falls, then taking some trekking path to falls ,we are hurry to see the falls from the bottom n we done it. while walking some guys r missed latter we came to know that they r eating fishes in the shops. Ajay has found one good falls over ther ,after that every one gathered n enjoying there itself. sun starts slowly going down then we are hurry up to go back.
Oops doing some circus n all, we reached beginning place, while talking each otherfire camp idea came, fire camp made it much of fire ....finally made wonderful trip...